

Youtube Killed the Home Video Star

The Beginning For those of you who know me from my childhood know that I’ve always loved making movies. This love began when my older brothers would borrowed my dad’s …

Web code

Do you Need a Website?

Do You Own a Business? If you have answered “yes” than you will benefit from a website. I have many friends and acquaintances who are small business owners, some with websites, others without. Those …

Papyrus,Comic Sans & Helvetica

Papyrus, Comic Sans & Helvetica

Typeface & Fonts “A typeface is a family of fonts (very often by the same designer). Within a typeface there will be fonts of varying weights or other variations. E.g., light, bold, semi-bold, condensed, italic, etc. Each such …


The Ethics of Editing

People typically want to look their best. They buy clothes they think are flattering, they spend time fixing their hair, they even put makeup on to accent their best features …

Vista Soule Logo

Blog 2.0

It has been awhile since I’ve written in my blog. I was very active in my unemployed months after graduating college. My posts consisted mainly of personal and professional projects …