It has been awhile since I’ve written in my blog. I was very active in my unemployed months after graduating college. My posts consisted mainly of personal and professional projects I was working on. I’ve recently revamped my website and thought I should restart my blog.
My website in the past has been an easily accessible digital portfolio for future employers. Since I’m fully employed at the moment, I’m hoping to use it more as freelance referral tool moving forward. Most of my past freelance work has been word-of-mouth from my acquaintances. I’m hoping to expand my coverage using my website.
If you’re reading this you’re most likely a Facebook friend of mine. You may or may not be aware of my skills (aside from Ultimate Frisbee experience.) I have a degree in graphic design, and minor in web design. The services I’m offering to the world include but are not limited to the following:
While I’m based out of Nashville, TN surprisingly most of my current freelance work is everywhere but here. (aside from photography gigs.) In this digital age location isn’t an obstacle as it once was.
So if you find yourself in need of one or all of my services shoot me an email, direct message, text or phone call.